In normal atmospheric conditions, Bitumen and water can't mix and will separate instantly. Emulsifiers are specialty chemicals used to stabilize the fine dispersion of bitumen droplets in water.
Depending on their chemical properties, emulsifiers are of two major types: Cationic and Anionic. Cationic emulsifiers provide a fine emulsion under strong acidic conditions, where normally concentrated hydrochloric acid is used for adjustment of final pH.
On the other hand Anionic emulsifiers provide a stable bitumen emulsion under strong alkaline condition, where normally Sodium Hydroxide is used for adjustment of final pH.
BS group, Iran agent of Química de los Pavimentos offers to the market based on an original process of synthesis, giving as result surfactive amine polymers, a new entire range of cationic emulsifiers for rapid, medium or slow setting emulsions.